
special playing cards

open playing cards intellectual games and puzzles

versions of complete set color suits and digital meanings constructive design of board game intellectual puzzles on chess boards

Additional versions of board game.
Special packs of playing cards.

In the end of this page there is the link on PDF file with images of additional versions of playing cards and game boards which you can download and then to print and play.


In the common complete set of offered game construction it is possible to use additional playing card packs and chess boards which can supplement base versions of constructive design. Namely it is possible to use special packs of playing cards and especial chess boards which are expedient for rules of intellectual games and logic patience puzzles in the event that unusual design or extraordinary structures of card packs or decks are necessary. In particular if special mathematical distributions of playing cards to proportional groups, or especial ratios of suits and numerical values with linear structures of game boards are necessary.
Because constructive design of the offered open gaming is mathematical combinatory system in which logic number of color suits and digits of numerical values in packs of playing cards correspond to quantity of rectangular sectors on a game board. But linear configurations of game boards can be different, and also playing cards in packs can be organized differently.
Basic and full versions of the offered complete set of board game design include three packs of playing cards which are organized as shown in tables:

logic number of color suits and digits of numerical values in packs


Verticals of tables specify card suits which are designated by alphabetic letters: R - red, Y - yellow, G - green, B - blue.
Horizontals of tables specify digits of numerical values from 1 to 8.
Total each cell in tables means a playing card which develops of vertical color or suit and horizontal numerical value within this or that pack.
Mathematical distributions of card packs to two proportional playing groups are specified by circles and daggers.
Distribution of card packs to four or three proportional groups are specified by points.
These proportional distributions correspond with configurations of three chess boards which are presented in the common complete set of present game construction. Namely linear structures of rectangular sectors of three game boards have different configurations of colors and numerical values or digital meanings, and also playing cards in packs are distributed on proportional groups differently. As a result it is possible to carry out various intellectual games and logic puzzles by means of different card packs on different chess boards.
Except for offered proportional distributions it is possible to apply any other mathematical proportions which can be connected with different configurations of colors and digital meanings on rectangular sectors of every possible game boards.
For second or third packs of playing cards in the complete set of present game construction it is in addition possible to use following mathematical distributions to four proportional groups.

1) 1G 2Y 3R 4B 5G 6Y 7R 8B.
2) 1R 2B 3G 4Y 5R 6B 7G 8Y.
3) 1Y 2G 3B 4R 5Y 6G 7B 8R.
4) 1B 2R 3Y 4G 5B 6R 7Y 8G.

1) 1Y 2G 3R 4B 5Y 6G 7R 8B.
2) 1R 2B 3Y 4G 5R 6B 7Y 8G.
3) 1G 2Y 3B 4R 5G 6Y 7B 8R.
4) 1B 2R 3G 4Y 5B 6R 7G 8Y.

Or other mathematical proportions of card packs in which playing cards have four colors and eight digital meanings can be calculated..
And also various configurations of game boards which correspond to packs of playing cards of four colors and eight digital meanings can be calculated.
Namely chess boards "A" and "B" in basic and full versions of the present game design have 8 verticals and 8 horizontals. But also in logic card games and intellectual puzzles it is possible to use additional versions of chess boards with linear marking which forms 16 verticals and 4 horizontals, that is shown in figures.

Additional game board "D" for playing cards.

poker games on virtual gaming tables in computer programs

Additional game board "E" for packs of playing cards.

mathematical matrixes to count cards in casino or playing club

The game board «D» is colorless, namely rectangular sectors have no colors and are designated only by digits which are numerical notation of verticals.
The game board «A» has colors or suits and digits or numerical values which are represented directly on rectangular sectors.
Suitable images or pictures for printing of the shown game boards are available in the PDF file in the end of this webpage.
The colorless chess board «D» can be used in intellectual card games and patience puzzles in which colors and numerical values of rectangular sectors are not considered. For example, if a key playing rule is formation of card combinations or hands as in poker games.
The chess board «E» can be used in the event that suit colors and numerical values are considered. For example, if a key rule of game interaction is arrangement of playing cards on identical rectangular sectors.
Look information about key rules of card games and puzzles on corresponding page of this website or in PDF files which present not only images or pictures for printing, but also instructions of gaming interactions.
If logic configuration of suits and digital meanings on verticals and horizontals of chess board «A» mismatches rules which are necessary for realization of any game or patience then it is possible to cut sheet on separate rectangular sectors and to form any linear structures. Namely it is possible to print image of game board from PDF file and to cut on separate rectangular sectors, then it is possible to configure any linear structures which are necessary for those or other intellectual card games and patience puzzles.
Digital meanings or numerical values on rectangular sectors of game board «A» are focused concerning one player, that is suitable for card patience puzzles. But digits of numerical values can have bilateral orientation for two players who are located opposite one another on different parties of playing board.
Besides in the PDF file in the end of this webpage you can download images of special pack of additional playing cards which are intended for especial games and intellectual puzzles. Playing cards according to rules of these especial intellectual games make pairs. Namely one card is turned by face upwards, and second card is turned by face upside-down. Players during game interaction overturn pairs and as a result one of two cards can be open by face upwards.
To not put playing cards in pairs, it is possible to apply the additional special pack in which color suits and digits of numerical values are represented on obverse and turnaround surfaces of card sheets. Namely each playing card has images of colors and digital meanings on facial surfaces and backs, that is shown in figures.

Additional special pack of playing cards.

Color suits and digital meanings
on facial surface.

suits and digits of numerical values for playing interactions

Colors and digits of numerical meanings
on back surface.

trainings memory and logic thinking for manufacturers of intellectual board games

This special pack includes 32 playing cards and consists of two game groups. Each game group includes 16 playing cards which have images of 4 colors and 8 digital meanings on obverse and turnaround surfaces.
Game groups differ by presence and absence of dark circles according to which players can distinguish own and another's cards during playing interactions.
Colors and digits on obverse and turnaround surfaces are incorporated in pairs, or otherwise to tell are combined in bilateral card sheets how is shown in the table.

constructive design of open gaming as mathematical combinatory system

Or images of special playing cards can be cut and combined in pairs (stuck together) in other order, rather than in the shown table.

Look instructions and methods of application, namely rules of games and intellectual patience puzzles by means of special bilateral pack of playing cards in the file OVRU4.PDF. In particular look card games with serial numbers 96 and 99 in Russian language.
Images or pictures of the shown special pack, and also additional game boards «D» and «A» it is possible to download in the file DOPRU.PDF in Russian and English languages:

PDF file has pictures of special card packs

I hope that intellectual games and by means of special bilateral card pack will be interesting and entertaining.
And also I hope that offered versions and designs will interest commercial businessmen and manufacturers of intellectual board games and playing cards.

Open playing cards on a chess board can be applied to trainings memory and logic thinking before games of poker or contract bridge. Namely before sports tournaments or contests of card players within competitions which will be organized by international federations of poker IFP or bridge WBF. Or before sports tournaments or competitions which can be organized by International Mind Sports Association IMSA.
Because chess boards in the complete set of offered versions of open game construction can be considered as mathematical matrixes which allow to remember suits and numerical values of playing cards in packs.
And also open playing cards on a chess board can be applied to trainings exact memory before games in casinos or play clubs. As linear structures of rectangular sectors can be considered as mathematical matrixes which allow to count cards in packs if game in casino or playing club is blackjack.
Or the offered constructive design of intellectual playing cards can be applied to trainings memory and logic thinking before poker games on virtual gaming tables in computer programs for gamers or players of online casinos in the Internet.
